TCP/UDP Port Scanning

Port Scanning is the process of inspecting TCP or UDP port on remote machine with the intention of detecting what services are running on the target and what potential attack vectors may exit

Port Scanning is consider illegal and should not be performed outside the labs without permission

Essential Facts for Port Scanning

  • Due to the amount of traffic some scans can generate, along with their intrusive nature, running port scans blindly can have adverse effects on target systems

  • client network such as overloading server and network links or treiggering an IDS/IPS

  • Running the wrong scan result in downtime for the customer

  • Port scanning should be understood as a dynamic process that is unique to each engagement. The results of one scan determine the type and scope of the next scan

Simple TCP and UDP port scan using Netcat

  • The simplest TCP port scanning technique, usually called CONNECT Scanning, rely on three-way TCP handshake

  • In basic terms, a host sends a TCP SYN packet to a server on a destination port. If the destination port is open, the server responds with a SYN-ACK packet and the client host sends an ACK packet to complete the handshake. If the handshake completes successfully, the port is considered open. We can demonstrate

Simple TCP Netcat port scan on port 3388-3390

nc -nvv -w 1 -z 3388-3390

w - connection timeout in second

z - to specify zero-I/O mode (which is used for scanning and send no data)

-n - Numeric IP Address

-vv - verbose mode

UDP Scanning

  • UDP is stateless and does not involve three-way handshake

UDP Scanning using Netcat

nc -nv -u -z -w 1 120-123

-u - UDP Scan

  • UDP Scanning is often unreliable, as firewall and routers drop ICMP packets and can lead to false positives and ports showing closed.

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